Stewardship of Treasure
OLL is a welcoming and inclusive Catholic community. Nourished by our faith and sacraments, we strive to live Christ’s Gospel by caring for all God’s creation with compassion, mercy and justice. The Stewardship of Treasure funds Our Lady of the Lake ministries, faith formation, staffing, and all operating costs.
Your Stewardship of Treasure provides a healthy budget, not just salaries to our parish Staff, but also facility needs, catechetical programs, sacramental life, and ministries, including our faith formation and new youth group, our adult ministries and outreach to those most in need, just to name a few. It is our annual operating budget.
We ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge today!
Father Tim's 2023 Stewardship of Treasure Letter
You of course are able to give weekly at Mass by dropping your donation in our collection basket or at our parish office. Please make sure your donations are labeled with your name and contact information so we can make sure it is recorded properly. If you would like to receive weekly envelopes, please contact the parish office.