Teen Confirmation
The age to receive the sacrament of Confirmation at our parish and around the diocese has shifted to 7th grade. For this academic year, our Confirmation Ministry welcomes all students in 7th through 12th grade who discern they are ready to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes begin in the new year culminating in the celebration of Confirmation in May.
Confirmation Introduction
Orientation Document
Why be Confirmed?
Adult Confirmation
Did you know Confirmation is required in order to serve as a Godparent or sponsor? Or that you are to be confirmed prior to marriage in the Church? Baptized Catholics, 18 years and older, generally prepare for this sacrament through a series of classes offered each year. If you are baptized but have not been confirmed, it is NEVER too late to prepare. The ages in our classes range from 18 to 100. Adult Confirmation classes are held as part of our RCIA program.