OLL is grateful for the talents that parishioners share with us. We have over 20 ministries to choose from. It doesn't matter if it is an hour, an event, or annual commitment, we need your help!
Opportunities with an ** will require Safe Environment components in order to volunteer. After signing up to volunteer above, please see our Safe Environment Page to find out how to begin this process.
ALTAR SERVERSHelp Father Tim by altar serving at Mass. Students 5th-HS with training serve 1-2 per month. Lead: Thomas Varas |
ALTAR SOCIETYThe Altar Society at OLL dates back to 1934. Comprised of "Guilds", the members are involved in caring for our Church and outreach beyond our Church boundaries. All are welcome to join! Lead: Pam Thomas |
BIBLE STUDYOur Bible Study Group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am and also has begun saying the Rosary weekly after Morning Mass on Wednesday in Jubilee Hall. Please consider joining us by contacting our Lead: Kim Burkhardt |
CENTERING PRAYEROLL's contemplative prayer group meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the south end of the rectory. Join us to plug into Christianity's contemplative tradition. Lead: Kim Burkhardt |
CHOIR**Do you enjoy singing? The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and just before the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays. We would love to have you join our Music Ministry! Lead: Thomas Varas |
CLOW**Help teach the weekly readings to kids ages 4-9 during Sunday 9:30am Mass. Lead: Patty Corum |
EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY**Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Precious Body and Blood during Mass. Please considering joining our team. We would love to have you! Leads: Barbara Ruzzo | Shavaun Wadsworth |
FAITH FORMATION VOLUNTEERS**Our Team works on various programs including Sacramental Prep, Vacation Bible School, Agape and RCIA. Lead: Parish Office K-12th Grade and Baptism and Adults |
FAMILY LITURGY**Help plan and/or perform in our Family Liturgies. They happen 3 times a year and engage every member of your family from tall to small. Lead: Patty Corum |
FUNERAL RECEPTION COMMITTEECan you bake cookies? Do you have an occasional spare hour or two? The Funeral Reception Committee is always looking to expand our volunteer group. Lead: Joanne Uhlenkott and Carol Zarek |
GREETERS-WELCOMING**Do you like to meet people and say hello? We welcome our parishioners attending Mass at our 3 entrances. Lead: Thomas Varas |
HOMEBOUND OUTREACH**Outreach ministers bring the Holy Eucharist to those individuals who are home bound due to illness, infirmity, or other reasons. Lead: Pam Thomas |
JUSTICE AND PEACEOur committee meets monthly to plan and attend events that promote the dignity of all persons and all creation. Visit our page to [LEARN MORE]or contact our Justice and Peace Committee |
LECTORS**Enjoy public speaking? Consider joining our team of Lectors. Scheduling is done to in hopes to accommodate your schedule. Lead: Teresa Chudecke |
LIVESTREAM VOLUNTEERS**If you are interested in helping OLL by filming our Livestream during Sunday Mass, please contact our Lead. Minimal tech experience needed. Lead: Thomas Varas |
NE SEATTLE WELCOME CIRCLE**The NE Seattle Catholic Welcome Circle organizes support and orientation to the community for families who are seeking humanitarian parole. Lead: Janet Bester-Meredith |
OLL SCHOOL**If you are interested in helping with OLL School events, tutoring, office help, the auction, alumni and more please reach out! Lead: School Office |
PARISH LIFEHelp us plan fun events to strengthen friendships and community. Like our parish picnic, coffee hours, and potlucks. Lead: Liz Jackman |
PARISH OFFICE VOLUNTEERS**We are always looking for help filling in for an hour here and there with answering phones, stuffing bulletins, filing, etc. Lead: Colleen Baardse |
PAX CHRISTI USAPromotes Prayer, Study, and Action for peace & justice, with well-articulated initiatives for action. Please find this link for Pax Christi USA Lead: Dn. Denny Duffell |
PHOEBE CIRCLEComing Soon! Lead: Liz Jackman |
RACIAL EQUITY COMMITTEEThis committee meets monthly to work on its vision to open our hearts and minds to see the face of God in all people and to build a parish community in which everyone is welcomed, valued and treated equitably and with respect. Lead: Diane Moseley |
SACRISTANS**Prepare the altar and set out the hosts for weekend Masses, special holidays, funerals, etc. Lead: Pam Thomas |
SISTER PARISH/SAN SEBASTIAN de YALIWe engage with the small village of Yali in the North Central mountains of Nicaragua. We help support their food bank and provided health care for the elderly. Visit our page to [LEARN MORE] Lead: Doug Ward |
ST. FRANCIS HOUSEWe visit the St. Francis House located in downtown Seattle and help sort donations and assist clients while shopping. Lead: Whitni Funsinn |
ST. VINCENT de PAULVincentians visit our neighbors in need bringing help with rent, utilities, food, a kind word and a warm smile. Lead: Marci Tittle |
USHERS**Ushers (teens and older are welcome) serve at weekend Masses to greet worshipers, assist with seating, take up the collection, & distribute the bulletin. Lead: Greg Wadsworth |