PreK-5th Grade Faith Formation
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is the highlight of the Summer! Children, grades K-5 participate in a week long camp that is full of singing, laughing, crafts, and learning about the Catholic Faith. Middle School and High School students are encouraged to volunteer for service hours and an unforgettable experience in leadership. We also rely on adult volunteers to run the different stations, help with snacks, and overall support. More information this summers VBS to come!
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
CLOW invites children ages 4-12 to hear God’s Word during the 9:30am Mass. Children are blessed and dismissed after the opening prayer and participate in their own Liturgy of the Word. They return to their families at the Preparation of the Gifts.
Sacramental Prep
Children who wish to receive their First Reconciliation and Eucharist participate in our Sacramental Preparation Program. These sacraments are generally received in the second grade. Find out more about our Sacramental Prep Programs (First Reconciliation and First Eucharist) and how to register here.