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Catholic Social Teaching Stories Project Form


We encourage all OLL parishioners and students to write a one-page personal story reflecting on how they feel called to live out one element of the OLL J&P Committee Statement of Commitment and Action to Living Catholic Social Teaching. The tone should be positive, respectful and reflective of Catholic values. Please avoid preaching, politicizing or partisan language. You may want to talk about:

  • Who or what inspired you?
  • How did you become interested in this topic?
  • How do you live it out? What keeps you going?

Keep in mind the "5 W's and an H": Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. We hope to keep the stories for a long time, so keep to the "big picture".

We're also inviting all the young and older in our parish and school to create a drawing, painting or poem based on one of the elements of the Commitment Statement.

  • Formatting guidelines (for stories):
  • Maximum 500 words.
  • Name the element of the OLL J&P Committee Statement of Commitment and Action to Living Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Write your name (or first name and last initial) at the bottom of the page.

To view an example story, click here.

How will these stories be used?

All stories, poems and artwork will be stored in a binder in Jubilee Hall for parishioners to read. With the permission of authors, selected stories may be read at Mass, shared at OLL School assemblies, referenced in homilies, displayed in Jubliee Hall, and appear in bulletins and parish newsletters.

Once monthly at all Masses a writer, poet or artist will be featured.

Please complete this form or you may also:

  • Email your story to [email protected] to the attention of Catholic Social Teaching Project.
  • Drop it in the collection basket marked "Catholic Social Teaching Stories Project".
  • Drop it to the Parish Center during business hours, M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Name the element of the OLL J&P Committee Statement of Commitment and Action to Living Catholic Social Teaching*
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If your child is submitting their story, drawing, painting or poem and they are under 18, do you as their guardian give permission for it to published on our website? (only their first name will be included)
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Or you can upload your document here...
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or drag it here.
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