Safe Environment Program

The crisis in the Catholic Church, which began in the Archdiocese of Boston with the revelations of sexual abuse of minors and has spread throughout the world in a widening cycle of failure and recrimination, has not left the Northwest unscathed.
Our Lady of the Lake is keenly aware of the anguish caused not just by the failure of individuals but by the systemic failure of the Church to accept responsibility and provide appropriate care for the most vulnerable. In light of this history, and the call of the Gospels, Our Lady of the Lake Parish is dedicated to reconciliation of the past and to the highest standards of protection for the future.
As a Parish, we fully adhere to the Archdiocese of Seattle's Safe Environment Program. All staff are all certified in this area.

Requirements for those with access to minors or vulnerable adults are listed below. The instructions to do so are outlined HERE.

  • Background check completed every three years
  • Complete the Protecting God’s Children course initially as well as updated online training courses every three years.
  • Policies read and signed at the beginning of service

Requirements for those with access to cash/checks, or who drive on behalf of the parish/school are listed below. The instructions to do so are outlined HERE. 

  • Background check completed every three years
If you have questions please contact Liz Jackman.
Training does not aim to stop the predatory individuals, but to help all of us to recognize the warning signs of abuse and to empower us to act before a child or vulnerable adult is harmed. It teaches us to take responsibility in a way that we, as Church must, if we are to heal our history and bless our future.
Please follow the link for information about Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors and Vulnerable Adults.
For more information consult the Archdiocesan Website.